Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pool Day and some Playdough

Eating a pop in the cool bath to help his fever
(Thanks for the pops Mimi!)

I have gotten some cute pictures the last few days, so I figured I would post today while Isaiah is napping. We've been having a pretty boring week. Jessie and Beau are at home for a visit in New York, and Elijah has been sick the past few days with a fever, so with some of our friends not available, Isaiah and I have just been hanging out at home a lot. I'm getting nervous to start work....thinking that's it's been almost a full year since I had to go to work and leave Isaiah, but at the same time I know that he'll have a blast at preschool. He already knows half the kids in the class and they are his best buds, so it will be like a huge play date everyday.

The other night when we were folding laundry Isaiah was "helping"
and held my bra up to his chest and said, "Bra on"

The last couple of days we've just been out of the house to take trips to the grocery store or to pick Josh up at school and Isaiah went along with me last night to worship team practice. When we left Joe and Jakki's it must have been just the right time for mosquitoes because Isaiah and I got SWARMED!!! I counted 17 bug bites on me and thought there were only a couple on Isaiah, but when he got up this morning he's got a pretty nice collection of about 6 of them on his poor little left forearm! He doesn't look too bad otherwise, but I feel really bad that they got us!

Isaiah's first masterpiece hanging on our fridge!

Isaiah put his goldfish in this pan and looked at Josh and I and said,
"I cookin'!"

Today we headed to the Royal St. Kitts hotel for pool day with other Moms. People have been traveling and a few people have left, so our group was very small today and was just Isaiah and me and our friend Kristen and her son, Brody. We had a good time chatting while the boys enjoyed the cool water and toys we brought along, so it was nice. It was definitely fun for Isaiah and I to get out of the house and do something fun instead of just running errands! Josh is coming home this afternoon for a bit and to have dinner with us and then he is headed back to school to get in a couple more hours of studying. That's about it for us right now. I'm looking forward to maybe a beach day this weekend!

Isaiah wearing his Playdough "Gasses"--he thought this was hilarious!

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