Friday, October 29, 2010

Prep School Trick or Treat!

Happy little Pablo!

Ready to trick or treat!

Today was trick or treat at the Prep school where Isaiah is currently in the preschool class. I think Josh and I were more excited than Isaiah because he had NO IDEA what was going on this morning. He was, however, very excited to wear his Pablo costume to school! Every year, the Prep School gets permission from teachers to bring all the kids from the school trick or treating. Vet students that want to can bring in candy to hand out to the kids when they stop in the classrooms. Isaiah wasn't so sure what was going on at first and was a little nervous with the large group of kids, teachers, and parents walking around, but after we got started, he got really into it. He would walk around to everyone (whether they had candy or not) and hold up his little pumpkin bucket that his Gaya sent him for Halloween! Josh didn't have class today and was able to join us and the 3 of us really enjoyed going trick or treating together at the school! Here are some pictures from the day. We will be taking Isaiah trick or treating again Sunday evening at an apartment complex here and I'll post more pictures then. And just for the record....I think my little man is the CUTEST little penguin I have EVER seen!

Isaiah's Preschool Class
Back Row from left: Isaiah, Damon, Mia, Yasmin, Emily, Duncan
Front Row from left: Patricio, Arisa, Marco, and Maddie

Isaiah and Damon

My boys trick or treating

Isaiah and Josh said a special Hello to Autum

Our friend, Jake, a teacher at the prep school dressed as "Mr. T"

Our little pro in action

Damon was very focused!

Isaiah kept picking this piece out...I think it's his favorite!

Isaiah and Damon checking out their loot!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Cheesin' in his "big boy pants"

Running around in his Monkey mask that Mimi brought

Playing in the innertubes

Laughing at himself!

These are just a few extra pictures I forgot to post yesterday from last week when Isaiah was doing well and wearing his 'big boy pants'! He seems to do okay in the mornings here at home wearing underwear, but after the nap he always ends up having accidents. Oh least we still get him to go on the potty a couple of times a day and we figure he'll do a better job letting us know when he's finally ready to really be a big boy! I'm also posting a video that I took this morning of one of Isaiah's new favorite songs...Baby Bumblebee, although he usually calls it Bumble Baby! He's really cute doing it and LOVES the hand motions! Hope you enjoy.

Baby Bumblebee

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy least for Isaiah and Mom!

Smiley boy

Rocker hair!

Look how long it is on top!

Isaiah and I have had a couple of relaxing days at home. Yesterday I kind of planned for it to be that way and today we've decided to stay home since Isaiah took a really long nap yesterday followed by coughing throughout the night. I'm hoping and praying that he's not getting sick, but just in case, Josh and I felt it was better to keep him at home and not get any of his little friends sick too. Isaiah and I had a nice day yesterday...we took Josh to school in the morning around 8am and went to the grocery store on the way home. Isaiah has gotten pretty good at helping me shop and usually behaves really well....I guess that's what happens when a kid is forced to go to the store with his Mom from the time he was a baby! We came home and Isaiah watched a Backyardigans episode on the computer while I did some laundry and changed our bed sheets. And then we got to Skype with LuAnne, Katie, and Grammy and then also skyped with Lynne for a bit while we ate lunch. After all of that, Isaiah was pooped and took a 4 hour nap!

Baby Burrito!

Isaiah and Elijah Wednesday evening after their bath and ready to play!

The boys pretending to go "night night"

This morning, we decided that I would stay home from church with Isaiah, so that we didn't get Elijah sick and Josh had already watched this weeks' message online, so he decided to head to school early to study for the day in preparation for his Pharmacology 2 midterm on Tuesday. This weekend is mid-semester break and the students have tomorrow off from school. Most people are enjoying it by going to the beach, but since Josh has an exam, tomorrow will just be an extra day that he can use to study! Josh's class did lobby and get Friday off of classes as well, so hopefully that day he will be able to enjoy it a bit, or maybe at least take some time off from studying next weekend to spend with us.

The little 4-wheelers batteries were too low to Vroom with both boys on it,
so Josh won the awesome Dad award and pushed the boys all over the apartment!

Isaiah was LOVING it!

It was so cute listening to the both of them laughing so hard!

We haven't had much going on this week. Josh had 2 exams, one Monday and one Wednesday. He did very well on both of them! Isaiah went to school MWF. He is doing so well at school. His teachers say that he is very well behaved, listens well, participates, and of course that he's a very busy little boy!!! I have to admit, that it is very nice to hear from other people that you have a good kid! I worked at our little Hill's pet food store on Wednesday and Friday. It is definitely nice for me to have something to do and feel like I'm contributing to our family and finances. And it all seems to be working out because Isaiah is doing great at preschool.

So proud of himself in HIS chair!
(He sits in it and says, "This Me's chair Mommy!")

Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool

We did get a package from Lynne on Friday and for us, getting packages from home is like Christmas anytime it happens! It is so nice to know that someone was thinking about us as they packed it and got it ready to ship! Lynne sent some staple food for us that is much cheaper at home and also sent some surprises for Isaiah. She sent him an Elmo costume to play in, some Halloween essentials (Trick or treat pumpkin bag, candy necklaces, a pumpkin light), some candy and treats for Isaiah, and a Curious George blow up chair that Isaiah is IN LOVE with! Also in the package were from items from LuAnne's Sunday School class at the Everett Brethren Church that they sent to other people in care packages. It was also nice to get their note that reminds us that we have lots of people at home praying for and supporting us!

Watching Backyardigans while Mommy got some housework done!

What a cutie pie!

Since this is mid-semester break, Josh is officially now more than half-way done with his time here in St. Kitts at Ross. They have 7 semesters total on the island and Josh is halfway through his 4th semester. In some ways, I feel like we have been away from home forever, but when I really think about it, I know that our time here is flying by. There are definitely things that are more difficult here on the island, but I am also thankful when I realize how much Josh and I have grown as Christians, parents, and in our marriage being in this situation and far away from our families. Now when I look forward, I know that before we know it we will be getting ready to leave St. Kitts and as much as we are excited to be back in the U.S. and closer to home again, I also know that a part of us will also miss our life here on this little tropical island! In closing....I counted today and Isaiah and I will be back in PA in just 41 days!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some cute Isaiah videos!

Singing his ABC's for the 1st time on video!

I can count to 10!!!

ABC's take 2...I can do it by myself!

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mimi and Pappy Stevie in St. Kitts!

So excited for Mimi and Pap to arrive!

Calling Dr. Henry! Playing in an outfit Mimi brought.

Isaiah petting Daddy pretending to be a kitty cat!

Hey everyone. It's been a while since my last post, but for good reason. My parents were here in St. Kitts to visit for a week and Isaiah and I were having a BLAST hanging out with them! They arrived last Wednesday (Oct 6th) and were greeted by SHEETS of rain from Tropical Storm Otto that wasn't quite a tropical storm yet at that time. That was okay, because we got them back to the house and Isaiah had a wonderful time as Mimi pulled present after present out of her suitcases both from Mimi and sent from Gaya at home! When we picked them up at the airport, Mom told Isaiah that she had some things for him and as soon as we got the suitcases in, he started saying, "Mimi, I want some-sing!" It was pretty hilarious! There were quite a few comical occurrences throughout the week. Isaiah buddied up to Pappy right away and renamed our guest room "Pappy's room." We kept telling Mom that she was lucky Pappy let her share his bed each night!

Feeding Mimi something he "cooked" with his new play kitchen set

I think Josh and Mom were having more fun with the Playdough than Isaiah!

Dad and Isaiah relaxing on the porch...he sure loved spending time with his Pappy this week!

On Thursday, we tried to go to the pool, but were chased away by thunder and rain after about 20 minutes. Friday, we went on the "Sugar Train" or the St. Kitts Scenic Railway. It took us 18 miles around the island on a train and we learned various things about the history of St. Kitts and got to see some different landmarks and beaches along the way. Isaiah fell asleep about 15 or 20 minutes into the ride and slept for the rest of the 3 1/2 hour trip! After the train, we got on busses that took us back to the train station. We headed home for some lunch and then Mom, Isaiah, and I went to the pool for a bit to cool off. On Saturday, we attempted to go to Reggae beach for the morning, but weren't able to make it down the final dirt road that had been washed out and covered in huge rocks with all the rain, so we ended up meeting Jennifer and Elijah at the Marriott beach instead. The boys had a good time and we enjoyed great weather and clear blue skies, as well as the cool water of the Atlantic Ocean. We had lunch out that day at the Marriott's Pizza Shak.

Mom, Isaiah, and Dad before our ride on the "Sugar Train"

Isaiah was excited for his first train ride!

Sunday was a bit of a rough day. I got sick Saturday evening and was up off and on throughout the night, so we stayed close to home for the morning, had some lunch, and eventually ended up at the pool for a couple of hours in the afternoon once I was feeling a bit better! We went out for dinner at Bobsy's restaurant, which is just a couple minutes from our house. We had a nice dinner and it was nice to not cook a few of the nights while Mom and Dad were here.

So cute!!! Walking with his Pappy and Mimi up to the car!

Dressed up in his Halloween costume: Pablo from the Backyardigans!

On Monday morning, we headed down to Port Zante to do a little shopping. We only went in a few stores and Mom and Dad each got some things to take home, so we decided to head into town to grab some lunch. We basically didn't want to keep going into stores because Isaiah kept getting scared of mannequins and statues people had in the stores and he would cover up his eyes and start shaking! It didn't even help when I picked him up and held him and told him it was ok....he was really freaked out! We headed to Ballahoo restaurant for lunch and Isaiah even sat in his own chair like a big boy...he didn't want ANYTHING to do with that high chair! We came home for Isaiah to take a nap and again headed to the pool for a couple hours. Tuesday morning, Mom, Isaiah, and I met up with Jennifer and Elijah at the beach again. The boys had a fun time playing in the sand and we took a few dips in the ocean before heading home! We went out to eat dinner Tuesday evening at Rock Lobster and had one of the best meals EVER! Mom and Dad had pork loin and I had a steak and they were all delicious!

Dr. Henry the Pet Doctor!
(This set was sent from Aunt Sara and Uncle Kevin!)

Isaiah giving Pappy a shot in the behind!

Jen, Elijah (in blue), and Isaiah (in green) at the Marriott beach

It was bittersweet waking up Wednesday morning knowing that Mom and Dad were leaving. We hung out at home and then went to the Calypso Cafe at the Marriott for lunch before we took them to the airport. There were definitely some tears from everyone, but we were all positive in remembering that Isaiah and I will be flying home in just 7 weeks and will be home for 5 whole weeks over Christmas!!! So....even though it was hard to see them go, we were all very thankful to have been able to spend the week with them here in St. Kitts!

Isaiah, Pappy, and Mimi in the pool throwing his little football

Mimi and Zay at the pool

Cheesin' while eating some cheesies while we waited for our lunch table.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Same old, same old...

Early morning view from our porch

So....I am trying to do better at remembering to update the blog frequently. I know Gigi, Wannie, Gaya, and Mimi really enjoy getting to see pictures of everything we do, so I'm going to try to do better the rest of the semester!!! Josh and I were talking this morning and 2 months from Monday, Isaiah and I will be headed home to PA for 5 weeks over Christmas/New Years and Josh will be headed home about 12 days later. We are really getting excited to be home and to spend the holidays with the people we love!

Silly boy walking around in his Daddy's shoes

Cool dude!

I'm trying to think of anything amazing that has happened this week. Not much is going on....feels like things are a little boring after our week with stitches and the recovery, although I would definitely rather have it boring!!! Isaiah stayed home from school Monday, since I had a work meeting to go to on Tuesday and he went to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and is there today this week. Tuesday I had a lunch meeting for work and Josh and I had our Fireproof Bible study in the evening and Isaiah got to hang out at the Johnsons with Eli. Wednesday after school we headed home and Eli came to hang out with us while his parents went to a different Bible study. The boys had a great time playing in the bath tub and running around like little maniacs!

Isaiah helping Josh do the dishes on his Elmo stool!

So cute up on his tippy toes!

Yesterday, Isaiah and I headed to our weekly pool day with other Moms and spouses. We went to a different pool this week and it was kind of nice to be somewhere different. The kids like getting together and since Eli and Jennifer were there, Isaiah was happy as a clam! The pool and his best buddy all at once! Today, Isaiah did GREAT when I dropped him off at school. He has been crying for a few minutes after I leave each day, but today I got him playing and building a tower with these cute fish blocks at school and I snuck out and even peeked in the window after a couple of minutes and he was fine, so I'm hoping there will be NO crying today at all! Today is pizza day at the prep school, so they order pizza for any of the kids that want, so last week and this week we've left money for Isaiah to get pizza for lunch like the other kids!

Ready for swim time in his new Elmo bathing suit from Mimi!

Some of the ladies at the pool (& Beau!)

Silly Beau

This weekend, we don't have much planned. Josh will be studying for the 2 exams he has coming up next week and hopefully will have some time to help me organize our guest room for Mom and Dad's visit on WEDNESDAY! I am so happy that we have wonderful families who have made such an effort to come and spend time with us while we're here and get to see what our lives are like on our little island! This will be Dad's first visit and I'm just praying that it's not too hot while they're here, so we can really get out and have a good time! Please say some prayers for Josh about his exams next week (one Tuesday and one Thursday) as he's pretty stressed about the first exams of the semester!

Beau and Jessie

Jen, Isaiah, and Eli

Henry and Janae

Eating his apple poolside and saying cheese

Visitors Since October 26th, 2009