Monday, November 22, 2010

Sick little boy!

I'm finally taking time to update the blog! It was a little bit of a rough week for us last week. Isaiah came home last Friday with a really runny nose, congested head, and a nice, wet cough. We suffered through it over the weekend, but decided that Isaiah should be seen by a doctor. Mark that down as another new experience for us in St. Kitts! Actually, we were really lucky and friends of ours had recommended Dr. Holness, who is actually a family doctor and not a pediatrician, but was supposedly good with kids. Monday morning right before I called to make the appointment, Isaiah yelled from his bed, where he was playing and when I looked at him, his little hand was covering up his left ear and he said, "My ear hurt Mommy!" Then I was really glad we decided to take him to the doctor because it really seemed like he had an ear infection! We made it to the doctor's office in the afternoon and everyone was WONDERFUL! The office itself was nice, clean, and organized (which may be expected in the U.S., but definitely not the standard here in St. Kitts!), which made me happy. The nurse practitioner we saw first was great with Isaiah and let him push buttons and turn things on, so he wouldn't be scared. Then we saw the doctor who was really fabulous in dealing with Isaiah. There were no tears and the doctor was able to check everything he needed. Isaiah was correct....his left ear was infected, so Dr. Holness prescribed an antibiotic to clear that up, which I was able to pick up at the in-office pharmacy. He also prescribed a decongestant/cough supressant for Isaiah as well, which seemed to help him sleep during naps and at night. Now a week later, he's good as new. Still a runny nose at times, but mostly he's perfect. He is back at school today for the 1st time in over a week and was excited to see his friends this morning! Hopefully he has a great 1st day back!!!
Being sneaky.

Double duty....playing lacrosse and mowing at the same time!
Having some fun!

Look at that dimple!!! week mainly consisted of being home and trying to entertain a toddler within the walls of our apartment! He asked all week long to go to "Yeli's house" which is how he says Eli! And apparantly all week, Elijah was asking his parents to see "Zisaiah" too! It's nice to know that Isaiah's buddy is missing him as much as Zay was! Josh ended up staying home 2 afternoons with Isaiah, so that I was still able to go to work, which I very much appreciated! On Saturday afternoon, we went to St. Christopher's club to help Jakki celebrate her 25th birthday with a pretzel making party. Her family makes them every year on the day after Thanksgiving and she really missed it last year, so we did it for her birthday instead! It was really fun rolling out the pretzels and trying to make fun and creative shapes! We had a good time and it was nice to spend some time with friends as always!

Some of our magnificent work!

Diana showing off some of her pretzels

Work has been a little frustrating this past week. We have been expecting our next shipment of food since the order was placed in early October. We're never quite sure how long it will take to ship from the U.S. and then how long it will take to clear customs in St. Kitts, so it's always a waiting game. We were told last Thursday that it would be delivered to campus Friday morning, then later got a message saying that they didn't even think the container had arrived on island yet. Now today we got word that it is on island and it will hopefully be delivered tomorrow, so now Isaiah will be going to school an extra day this week, so that I can work and help get things put away and organized as we will have 40,000 lbs of dog and cat food to unload tomorrow! I'm praying that it actually shows up according to plan tomorrow....I was getting worried that it would end up being delivered on Thursday and I would have to miss Thanksgiving lunch at the prep school with Isaiah!

Coloring :)

Sidewalk chalk!

Having a snack in his chair on the porch!

1 comment:

  1. Glad Isaiah is feeling better! I still have some pretzels in the freezer for later!


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