Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy least for Isaiah and Mom!

Smiley boy

Rocker hair!

Look how long it is on top!

Isaiah and I have had a couple of relaxing days at home. Yesterday I kind of planned for it to be that way and today we've decided to stay home since Isaiah took a really long nap yesterday followed by coughing throughout the night. I'm hoping and praying that he's not getting sick, but just in case, Josh and I felt it was better to keep him at home and not get any of his little friends sick too. Isaiah and I had a nice day yesterday...we took Josh to school in the morning around 8am and went to the grocery store on the way home. Isaiah has gotten pretty good at helping me shop and usually behaves really well....I guess that's what happens when a kid is forced to go to the store with his Mom from the time he was a baby! We came home and Isaiah watched a Backyardigans episode on the computer while I did some laundry and changed our bed sheets. And then we got to Skype with LuAnne, Katie, and Grammy and then also skyped with Lynne for a bit while we ate lunch. After all of that, Isaiah was pooped and took a 4 hour nap!

Baby Burrito!

Isaiah and Elijah Wednesday evening after their bath and ready to play!

The boys pretending to go "night night"

This morning, we decided that I would stay home from church with Isaiah, so that we didn't get Elijah sick and Josh had already watched this weeks' message online, so he decided to head to school early to study for the day in preparation for his Pharmacology 2 midterm on Tuesday. This weekend is mid-semester break and the students have tomorrow off from school. Most people are enjoying it by going to the beach, but since Josh has an exam, tomorrow will just be an extra day that he can use to study! Josh's class did lobby and get Friday off of classes as well, so hopefully that day he will be able to enjoy it a bit, or maybe at least take some time off from studying next weekend to spend with us.

The little 4-wheelers batteries were too low to Vroom with both boys on it,
so Josh won the awesome Dad award and pushed the boys all over the apartment!

Isaiah was LOVING it!

It was so cute listening to the both of them laughing so hard!

We haven't had much going on this week. Josh had 2 exams, one Monday and one Wednesday. He did very well on both of them! Isaiah went to school MWF. He is doing so well at school. His teachers say that he is very well behaved, listens well, participates, and of course that he's a very busy little boy!!! I have to admit, that it is very nice to hear from other people that you have a good kid! I worked at our little Hill's pet food store on Wednesday and Friday. It is definitely nice for me to have something to do and feel like I'm contributing to our family and finances. And it all seems to be working out because Isaiah is doing great at preschool.

So proud of himself in HIS chair!
(He sits in it and says, "This Me's chair Mommy!")

Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool

We did get a package from Lynne on Friday and for us, getting packages from home is like Christmas anytime it happens! It is so nice to know that someone was thinking about us as they packed it and got it ready to ship! Lynne sent some staple food for us that is much cheaper at home and also sent some surprises for Isaiah. She sent him an Elmo costume to play in, some Halloween essentials (Trick or treat pumpkin bag, candy necklaces, a pumpkin light), some candy and treats for Isaiah, and a Curious George blow up chair that Isaiah is IN LOVE with! Also in the package were from items from LuAnne's Sunday School class at the Everett Brethren Church that they sent to other people in care packages. It was also nice to get their note that reminds us that we have lots of people at home praying for and supporting us!

Watching Backyardigans while Mommy got some housework done!

What a cutie pie!

Since this is mid-semester break, Josh is officially now more than half-way done with his time here in St. Kitts at Ross. They have 7 semesters total on the island and Josh is halfway through his 4th semester. In some ways, I feel like we have been away from home forever, but when I really think about it, I know that our time here is flying by. There are definitely things that are more difficult here on the island, but I am also thankful when I realize how much Josh and I have grown as Christians, parents, and in our marriage being in this situation and far away from our families. Now when I look forward, I know that before we know it we will be getting ready to leave St. Kitts and as much as we are excited to be back in the U.S. and closer to home again, I also know that a part of us will also miss our life here on this little tropical island! In closing....I counted today and Isaiah and I will be back in PA in just 41 days!!!

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