Happy little Pablo!
Ready to trick or treat!
Today was trick or treat at the Prep school where Isaiah is currently in the preschool class. I think Josh and I were more excited than Isaiah because he had NO IDEA what was going on this morning. He was, however, very excited to wear his Pablo costume to school! Every year, the Prep School gets permission from teachers to bring all the kids from the school trick or treating. Vet students that want to can bring in candy to hand out to the kids when they stop in the classrooms. Isaiah wasn't so sure what was going on at first and was a little nervous with the large group of kids, teachers, and parents walking around, but after we got started, he got really into it. He would walk around to everyone (whether they had candy or not) and hold up his little pumpkin bucket that his Gaya sent him for Halloween! Josh didn't have class today and was able to join us and the 3 of us really enjoyed going trick or treating together at the school! Here are some pictures from the day. We will be taking Isaiah trick or treating again Sunday evening at an apartment complex here and I'll post more pictures then. And just for the record....I think my little man is the CUTEST little penguin I have EVER seen!

Isaiah's Preschool Class
Back Row from left: Isaiah, Damon, Mia, Yasmin, Emily, Duncan
Front Row from left: Patricio, Arisa, Marco, and Maddie
Isaiah and Damon
My boys trick or treating
Isaiah and Josh said a special Hello to Autum
Our friend, Jake, a teacher at the prep school dressed as "Mr. T"
Our little pro in action
Damon was very focused!
Isaiah kept picking this piece out...I think it's his favorite!
Isaiah and Damon checking out their loot!
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