Isaiah ready to head to Shipwreck's beach on Sunday afternoon
Hey everyone! Hope the week is going well for you so far! We're now at only 8 days until we leave St. Kitts for home and I'm getting so excited! I'm hoping next week flies by for a couple of reasons....I want Josh's finals to be done with quickly, so he'll have less time to stress out and I also want it to go quickly, so that we'll be on a plane headed for PA before we know it! I'm hoping that organizing to go home and packing will keep me somewhat occupied next week, so that the days go fast and I don't drive myself crazy! None of us have ever been away from home this long and while it's been positive in giving us a true sense of independence, I think Josh and I both agree that we never want to live this far away from our families once vet school is over!
Melissa, Isaiah, and Me at Shipwreck's
We've been busy the past few days. Isaiah and I have been running around with Jakki quite a bit. She came here to hang out for a little while on Monday, we went shopping and to lunch with her in town on Tuesday, and yesterday we met her on campus for lunch and then went to her place to hang out for a bit. It's nice when Isaiah and I have a reason to leave the house. Especially now with him only taking one nap I feel like by 3 or 4:00 when we stay home all day that he's looking at me like, "Seriously? Is this all we're going to do today?" He's so smart and getting into everything now. He walks everywhere...even stands up from the floor when he decides he wants to go check out something new. He started kicking his little foot yesterday when Josh said "kick" and showed him how to do it and it's so ADORABLE! He's also started giving hugs which is the sweetest thing! Sometimes if we're really lucky we get a kiss and a hug!
My little man and me enjoying some sun!
Josh is done with classes now and has been studying at home a lot more since the school library has gotten really crazy with everyone studying for finals. It's nice to have him home, even if he stays in Isaiah's room 98% of the time. For some reason, I like knowing that he's here in case I need him or just want to give him a kiss! He has his last anatomy exam tomorrow and then has a final everyday next week. Monday is his anatomy final, Tuesday is microanatomy, Wednesday is nutrition, and Thursday is Physiology, and then Friday we get to COME HOME! If you think about, please be keeping Josh in your prayers through the next week for finals and travel safety prayers for the 3 of us next Friday would be appreciated too!
Nice face...I think I caught him mid-blink!
Last evening, Isaiah and I met Josh at school after he studied on campus for a bit and we went to a free dinner in the dorms last evening. It was a celebratory dinner for first semesters for the end of the semester. It was good and we got to see some friends there. After our dinner we went to the prep school to see the little kids (pre-K through 2nd grade) do their Christmas program that our friend Jakki (the school's music teacher) directed. The kids were so cute and Isaiah had a good time watching them sing, although he kept wanting down, so he could go get them in the front of the room! It was a really cute program and the kids did a nice job!
My little cutie
I think that's all for now. Our lives are going to be pretty boring for the next week consisting of studying and taking exams for Josh and hopefully packing for me here at home! I'm sure Isaiah will make packing and organizing for the trip home a little more complicated, but I plan to start getting things ready Monday, so hopefully he'll let me do at least a little each day! I can't say enough how much we miss you guys and how much we miss being at home with all of you! We definitely took for granted how nice it was to have all of you just a few minute car ride away and it will be so wonderful to be able to see you all and spend time with you while we're home!!! The pictures I'm posting this week are from the past several days. The ones with my friend, Melissa, who I used to work with at FCMC were taken on Sunday when she was here on a cruise. Some of the other ones were taken on Monday afternoon when Isaiah and I went out to play for a bit in the backyard. Hope you all are having a good week and keeping warm! It's still stinkin' hot here, so we're actually looking forward to a little cold weather! We love you all so much and can't wait to see you in 8 DAYS!!! :)
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