Sweet little boy sleeping on the plane to Miami! :)
When we got to Miami, Isaiah looked up at me and asked, "Is we in Your-ami now Mommy?"
I couldn't help but laugh out loud in the middle of the airport!
Hey everyone! We're back on 'the Rock' for another semester. Josh is already getting into his 6th semester and had to go to school early (7am) this morning to meet his SOAP-ing partners and get his animals. This semester he will have a donkey and a sheep that he will be responsible for monitoring (they use a progress note method called SOAP notes and call the monitoring process SOAP-ing) both animals throughout the semester and later in the semester he will be tested on some surgery procedures on his animals. It's an exciting semester, but I know it will be a busy one and I'm not sure any of us are looking forward to that! We are however, looking forward to the end. Josh found out on Monday that he was invited to UPenn for an interview for his clinical year. He was granted an interview 1 1/2 after he sent his final application materials, so we were really surprised to hear so quickly and also VERY excited. That means we will be headed to Philadelphia over Josh's August break for him to have his interview and also get a tour of the small animal hospital there. He is really excited and I think we are both at peace about clinical placement. If he doesn't get UPenn, then God has somewhere else planned for us and we are going to obey and follow where he leads. Please keep Josh in your prayers, both for his interview in August and for the next 14 weeks....this semester will be a tough one for sure!
The kids with their souvenirs waiting for the circus to start!
Ella's excited!
So was Steve....I don't think Lydia knew what was going on, but she ended up loving it too!
Ella and Isaiah were SILENT for probably the first 20+ minutes of the circus...at first I thought they were scared, but it ended up that they were just captivated!
Lydia, Ella, and Isaiah riding the train at the mall
I feel like we have been running around like crazy people since Isaiah and I got back. Maybe not such a great idea to come back a few days AFTER the semester has already started, but oh well, you live and you learn I guess! Isaiah has been doing well at school, although still gets a little teary somedays when it's time for Mommy to leave. The 3 mornings this week, though he's been busy playing when I left and been fine, so let's hope that trend keeps going! He's doing well with using the potty like a big boy too. We had a little setback when we came back to St. Kitts and he had accidents for the first 3 or 4 days we were home, but seems to be back in the swing of things now. Our next big challenge will be nights! I think out of the last 2 weeks he has had 1 night where he woke up wet in the morning, so he is doing well.....I'm just not quite confident enough to let him wear underwear to bed all the time yet! We'll get there though...I'm not too worried. He is such a great little kid and I'm so proud to call him mine!

Four wheeler ride with Pappy Mark!
He's definitely my son....eating butter with a spoon!
Work is going well for me. I have been working a little extra this week and last, which is good, but I know that I have been neglecting my duties at home, so I am hoping that things will slow down a little bit. I am covering for Chris, my co-worker, on Monday, so next week I will work Mon, Wed, and Fri, but then I'm hoping things will return to normal and I'll get my Mondays back to clean at home while Isaiah's at school! We are missing everyone from home....we REALLY enjoyed our break and truly loved all the time we spent with everyone, but it is also so nice to have our little family back together. Isaiah seems very happy to have his Daddy back....and Mommy is too!
Lydia's big CHEESE! She was excited to dye eggs!
Dyeing Easter eggs together at Grandma Hood's!
Ella and Mimi

Isaiah before the egg hunt at Tenley Park Goofy kids!!!
Their loot!
Meeting the Easter Bunny
Today I thought I would just post some pictures of our break in PA. I'm hoping to get some pictures from others of Josh's trip to Sudan and will hopefully post those soon. (Josh didn't take a camera since I had our only one at home to capture Isaiah over break for Josh!) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures....we sure enjoyed making the memories!!!
Isaiah and Sydney opening their Easter baskets!
Sydney was LOVING that wrap!
Silly boy with his pants on his head!
Beautiful Brown eyes.
All ready for church on Easter Sunday....what a little man!
New shades from Mims for Easter
Perfect little face
He had SO much fun wearing this collander on his head....he kept saying, "It's my helmet!"
That's better!
We met Kevin and Sara in Camp Hill at this place called Monkey Joe's. It was all inflatable stuff to climb and jump in. The kids LOVED it....and the adults were a little jealous!
Climbing the ladder for the big slide!
Ella Grace

Aunt Ashley took all the kids to Pap Nathan's farm to see the cows and tractors. Isaiah LOVED it!!!
Wow....he actually looks kind of small! Cousins.....these kids are so cute together and absolutely love each other to pieces! Checking out the cows in the barn!
Elle on the tractor
Grandma Paula, Ella, Lydia, Isaiah, and Pap Nathan all in the big tractor for a ride!
Ella, Lydia, Pap Nathan, and Isaiah!
Thanks Nathan, Paula, and Ashley....Isaiah had a wonderful time!