Smiling in the car while we waited to pick Daddy up at school
A view of the Ocean and palm trees from the campus entrance
Isaiah and I have been quite busy lately, so there is much to report. On Friday night, we were invited to Jakki and Joe's house for Tacos and Margaritas. We ended up having a really great night with friends, had tons of good food, and Isaiah mostly kept himself entertained, so that Josh and I could really ourselves and even play some games with our friends! Isaiah would rather play with the dogs than Josh or I anyway, so at Jakki and Joe's where there are 2 he is always happy and preoccupied!
Isaiah fell asleep the other night while we were watching minute
he was playing on the couch, the next he was OUT!
Saturday morning Isaiah and I took Josh to school and Isaiah and I went and played at the prep school. They have started looking the big play structure, so we were limited to playing on the swing set and the slide, but Isaiah thought that was pretty great! We went and stocked up on groceries then because yesterday and today on the island was a public holiday (Emancipation Day) which means that none of the stores are open and some of the restaurants are closed too. After Isaiah's nap, we went to a pool party to celebrate Patricio's 2nd birthday....Isaiah will soon be in preschool with Patricio and his parents are 2 of Josh's professors this semester.
Isaiah and Brody playing at the beach
Sunday morning we headed to church where Isaiah LOVES seeing Elijah. They play together and run around in the back of the room while church is going on and our job is basically to keep them from getting too loud and rowdy! After church we came home and had lunch and got Isaiah down for a nap. When he woke up he and I got ready, picked Jakki up, and headed to meet Kristen and Brody, Allie, and the Mortons (Harley, Erin, and Damon) at the Marriott beach. It was such a nice day and a good time to be at the beach. The sun was toward the other side of the island, so it was cooling down and there was a fabulous breeze and it was gorgeous and the kids played so well together, so it was great! After the beach, we rushed home and I got a shower in a hurry and headed to Bible study for the evening, while Josh and Isaiah got to have some "guy time" for the night!
The 3 guys chowing down for dinner
Brody is a good little eater, although there was as much around him as IN him!
It's so great Deana bought Isaiah 2 mowers because it's always a hit when we babysit!
The boys were fighting over who got to ride, so we showed them they could do it together!
Playing with the blender and shapes once they were all clean.
Brody and his bink
Yesterday was a big day for Isaiah and me. I had my first training shift at work on campus at the Hill's store. There we sell Hill's dog and cat food to students, faculty, and clinic clients. While I went to work, Isaiah stayed with our friend Kristen and her son, Brody. He was there for about 4 hours and Kristen said he was "perfect" and he was actually napping on her bed when I went to pick him up. I had a good time at work....I already know the people I'll be working with and a couple have been good friends since we moved here, so I think it'll be really fun! So....I was all stressed out about going to work and how Isaiah would do without me and he was AMAZING and I am so thankful for that! Josh and I are hoping that he will do just as well when he starts preschool next semester! Since Kristen watched Isaiah for us during the day yesterday, we watched Brody last night for a couple of hours, so she and her husband, Shawn could go out to dinner. The boys were crazy running around and playing with both of Isaiah's mowers, riding the power wheels ATV, and playing in the tub and we had a great time having Brody with us!
The boys at Rocky's beach

Elijah eating his "O's" Isaiah drinking his "Joo-Cee"
Today we made plans to meet up with Jennifer and Elijah at a beach called Rocky's. We met them at 10 this morning and the boys had a great time playing in the sand, wading in the water, watching the guys there feed the fish, and running around and chasing each other like crazy people! It was nice for me to have some time to talk to Jen too and I think we are both glad when we can get the boys together and get out of the house during the week! Isaiah fell asleep on the trip home and is still sleeping now, so he'll probably eat lunch at about 3pm when he finally wakes up! Hope everyone is doing well at home. I can't believe it's August already and it's making me realize that our time here in St. Kitts will be over before we know it!