Perfect little man
Both of my boys 'cheesin'
So I promised some people that I would blog today and then the camera's battery died and I couldn't locate the charger, but luckily I did find it and have a lot of cute pictures to share. I think I've said this before, but knowing that I want to have pictures to post on the blog helps remind me to always have my camera closeby and I think it's really helping me document Isaiah's childhood as well as our time here in St. Kitts!
Playing Peekies
The first pictures are from the other evening...maybe Tuesday? Not sure of the timeline, but Josh took Isaiah out on the porch and they played for a good while with sidewalk chalk. It was a really pleasant evening with a good breeze and I got some really good pictures of the two of them. Josh even traced Isaiah's feet and then his hands and he LOVED it! It is so nice for me to see my boys back together and having so much fun! Isaiah wasn't too sure of Josh the first 24-36 hours we were home, but now he wakes up asking about Daddy and wanting to know where he is and he loves playing with Josh whenever he gets home from school for the day! It is a wonderful thing to have our little family back together again!

Wednesday night, Josh watched Isaiah so that I could go with some friends to see the new Twilight movie, Eclipse! It was crazy at the movie theater, but a great time with friends and I really enjoyed the movie too! Isaiah was really good for Josh until he started to get tired and wanted only his Mommy. Guess you can't really blame the kid if the only parent that's put him to bed in the last 6 weeks is his Mom, right? Josh was a good sport about it and only felt bad that he couldn't comfort Isaiah, but I think both the boys were glad when I made it home!
Goofball: The sunglasses are from Bible school and Isaiah's friend,
Elijah let him borrow his truck to ride for a while!
Yesterday Isaiah and I took Josh to school and came back and hung out at home for a little bit. Then we got ready to head to our weekly pool play dates at the Royal St. Kitts at 10. Isaiah had been acting really tired after waking up at 6am, so my plan was to only stay until he started getting fussy, but he just kept going and going until we finally headed home around 12:30 and the poor little guy was asleep after only about 3 minutes in the car! We had a good time there even though our group is much smaller at the present time. (Some families have left for good and some are just home in the U.S. visiting for a while) Isaiah took a really good nap for me when we got home and woke up in time to eat some "lunch" (at about 3:45pm!) and then we picked Josh up at school after his tutoring session.
Isaiah and Josh playing in the pool
Last night we went to Jakki and Joe's for worship team practice. I was reminded again last night how lucky we are to have such a supportive and wonderful church family in St. Kitts. I mean, I loved getting to go to church at my home church with my family while I was home, but God is definitely providing for us in all sorts of incredible ways here on the island too! I'm excited to get back in the swing of our lives here and hopefully Josh will even be able to have a little fun this semester!!!
Squirting Daddy with the "Sharky"
This afternoon, Josh came home and made some lunch and we got to watch part of a movie together before Isaiah woke up from his nap, which was nice. After Isaiah ate some lunch we blew up his pool that Gayah sent back with us and he had fun playing in the yard in his pool for a while. Tonight we are going out to an Italian restaurant called PJ's for dinner with a group of friends. Our friend, Autum, sort of organized it as a "Welcome Home" dinner for Isaiah and I, although I think she was just really craving some PJ's food! Either way, we should have a fun night relaxing and eating some good food with some of our closest friends here. I hope everything is going well for all of you at home. Isaiah and I definitely miss everyone (he misses his best buddy cousins, Ella and Buggie (aka Lydia) the most I think). We can't wait for Christmas to have some more time at home and are also really excited for Lynne's visit to St. Kitts in August!
Laughing at Daddy