Hello everyone! I'm finally getting back to the blog to do some posting! Tuesday was a hellish day full of bank issues and crying (on my end!) and then I went to post something on Wednesday afternoon, but our computer battery died and the powercord is no longer working! So...luckily a friend from school, Taylor, let us borrow his charger and we charged the computer up last night, so I'm at least getting a chance to post some info and pictures today and who knows when it'll work out for me to post next, since we'll be trying to borrow a charger until Kevin gets out to get us one and sends it down to us!!!
Sleepy boy
Anyway....There are plenty of cute pictures to post today! Some are just of Isaiah that I've taken over the past few days here at home. He's so darn cute and I feel like I need to get it all on film so we can keep a record of his childhood (that's passing by too quickly already!). On Monday while Josh was studying at school, Isaiah took an almost 3 hour nap and got very comfortable finishing it up on our bed! I can't believe how long he's getting! I'm going to be excited to see how tall he is when he goes to see Dr. Foor in December when we get home...he's just growing like a week and getting so skinny!
Look how much room he takes up on our Queen sized bed!
We also started watching some Elmo songs on Youtube a week or so ago and now he's become more fond of his "My first Elmo" that My Mom (Mimi) bought him for Christmas last year. He even cuddled up to it the other night as I was putting him to sleep and Josh took a couple of pictures of us!
Zay, Elmo, and Me!
Not much new is going on here. Josh had his first exam of the second round on Wednesday and got another A! Now he's busy studying for the big anatomy exam which is on Monday morning, followed by his Physiology exam on Wednesday. Then he gets a little break to study for Nutrition the following week. So hopefully 2 weeks from now we'll be able to breathe again and relax a little bit and hopefully get Josh to the beach again!
It's been raining here alot lately.....I know that probably makes you all at home a little happier! It's funny though...when it rains here, it usually rains really hard for 10-20 minutes and then the sun is back out, but today it's really rainy. We've had a couple bouts of sun, but since Isaiah and I got up at 7am it's probably rained 4 different times and one of those times it rained for probably 30 minutes really hard! I don't know if this is the "rainy season" but it sure seems like it!
In closing, I'll leave you with this adorable picture of Isaiah wearing his "Baby Banz"! He doesn't usually leave them on anymore, so we've started using them to play a new form of peek-a-boo and he'll let them on long enough for me to ask, "Where did my Zaya go?" and then off they come and we usually get a big smile! Hope you're all happy and healthy at home. Please say a prayer for my Pap, Mack McCahan, who is in the Altoona Hospital after a fall at home on Wednesday morning. He's doing okay, but we're awaiting some test results to see if something is going on with him. I'm sure he's getting restless being stuck there, but I know they'll take good care of him....I just wish I could be there to visit and make sure he knows I love him and am thinking of him! Have a good weekend everybody! Love you!
P.S.- Isaiah's Mimi and Pap sent him a Halloween costume, so look forward to pictures of Isaiah the swashbuckling pirate to come! We're going trick or treating with some of the other kids tomorrow evening! :)